Incorporate this into your next dungeon and watch your players retire instantly.
What a mess!: The entire room is treated as hindering terrain. Also, creatures in this area have concealment.
Trap: Bowl of rotten food (CR 4). Has been festering for several months. Upon opening, characters within 30ft must succeed on a Fort Save (DC 20) or be nauseated for 1d6 hours.
Incongruent Philosophies: The walls of this room are plastered with a myriad of demotivational anecdotal cartoons, watered down Christian philosophy, random quotable phrases, and pictures of long-dead pets. Understanding the beliefs of the inhabitant requires a Decipher Script check (DC 30) which takes several minutes. It is likely that during this time you will be attacked by a...
Cockroach Swarm (CR 5)
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